Battlefront 2 Yuuzhan Vong Mod
EDITHey everyone sorry for not giving you the news on my mod.I just finished Raxus Prime: Junk River (having problems with the map.Im adding some new bonus maps and coustom sides to make the mod bit cool.Umbara: Shadow Forest is having some problems with the world.Eras (coustom sides) includeKOTORYuuzahn Vong WarDarknest Crsis2nd Galactic Civil WarLegacy EraAnd more!I hope to get back with you guys soonif you have an idea or request and to join the modding team (i really need one) go here. MikeTheBeast55 wrote:From all the pictures that you have been showing it looks like you have done a lot of work so far on this mod. What else are you currently working no with this mod besides the new sides?Well, i am working on a Bespin Map with the XQ-1 Platform and a Jungle Valley like map with the KOTOR, Yuuzhan Vong sides.I would like to give a shout out to FleetAdmiral1 and WarbNull for some models for my map.Plus i would love some help with the 2nd Galactic Civil War, and the 2nd Imperial Civil War.EDITAlso i might put Boz Pity: Plains in my mod.Double posting is against the; please EDIT your post instead -Staff. Aiogui wrote:Interesting mix of units on that desert map. But in my humble opinion, the rebel male trooper should also use the A-Wing helmet that one of the female troopers is using.
Download Coruscant Jedi vs. Star Wars Battlefront II Essentials Star Wars Battlefront II Updates; Star Wars Battlefront II Review; Star Wars Battlefront II Downloads; Star Wars Battlefront II Mods; Game info. Balthazar Author downloads 245 (2 last week) Files Added 2. Trending Star Wars Battlefront II. GOG brings back Star. The KOTOR era mod for Star Wars Battlefront II is AMAZING! Battlefront II is available on Steam and GOG for just $10, and the two downloads you'll need for the mod are here and here. That's one of the essential mods for Battlefront 2. Anyone would be crazy to not have it for the years it's been available. Permalink; embed. I remember in the ps2 version it was on mos eisley there was a mode called 'hero' i think where all chars where yedis and stuff. I cant find this mode here. Is it missing in the pc version?
Battlefront 2 Yuuzhan Vong Mod 1
But, it looks perfect anyway.Yea im having a problem with the head of the support trooper scince its a battlefront 1 model.EDITHey its been ahwile guys ive got some news on my mod some of the maps will not be included and i will still be working on it i havent lately will continue with the mod though.I will be up dating Bespin: Sky BattleEDIT2Update for Bespin: Sky Battle new map layout with the bf1 Bespin: Platforms.