Fallout 4 Ps4 Install Time

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We've seen people asking why Fallout 4 can take a while to install on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Fallout 4 weighs in at 26.2GB on PS4 and 27.9GB on Xbox One. After downloading the PS4 version from the PlayStation Network, it took me just under an hour to install the game. Digital Foundry clocked the Xbox One version at 29 minutes.

One of the best, and most under-appreciated, innovations this generation is the ability to play a game even as it is installing- when you download or install a game on your PS4 and Xbox One, you can start playing it even before it has fully installed, as long as a certain minimum threshold of important game data has been copied to your hard drive.Fallout 4, on the other hand, does not work this way. Fallout 4 has you go through the full installation of the game first before you can play it. Digital Foundry speculates that this might be because of Fallout 4’s absolutely open nature.“We can only really speculate as to why Bethesda chose to bypass the consoles’ ‘fast start’ mechanism for playing Fallout 4 while the game continues to install behind the scenes, but it’s likely down to the fact that the initial, very linear introduction sequence is over fairly quickly,”. “After that, you have immediate access to the open world – and the game cannot anticipate the direction you’re likely to travel in.“Rather than impede progress with obtrusive installation screens and progress bars, it seems that the developer has chosen to ensure that all the data is installed onto the hard drive ahead of time – just like a standard PC game. It takes longer to get into the game as a consequence – and you’ll need to preload the entire game if you’ve bought the digital copy – but I’d say it’s the best solution overall, even if it’s not completely ideal.”So yeah. A sandbox like game like Fallout 4 comes at a price, I suppose.


1323d ago@cartoonx1One of the main reasons for long loading times on Skyrim on the PS3 occurs when the autosave feature is turned on (this is the default). The fix is to turn off all autosaves except possibly the timed one.The problem with doing as I have suggested means manually saving (think old school) so when Lidia says 'I have a bad feeling about this' - save.You can actually travel overland from one end of Skyrim to the other without seeing a loading screen (unless you save). Dragon armor all with dual enchantments is great for this although ancient and revered dragons are still deadly.Loading all 3 DLC's is a risk as well since the game can become very buggy and usually many hours in.

Fallout 4 Ps4 Install Time

Fallout 4 Ps4 Install Time Ps4


Fallout 4 Ps4 Walkthrough

I suggest doing only one DLC at a time. 1323d agoThe cheapest solution is to replace your 5400rpm disk with a 7200rpm disk, with the next best being a hybrid drive followed by a much more expensive SSD.The actual cost differential between a 5400rpm disk and a 7200rpm disk is only a few dollars however the performance differential is 20% or more. It is a pity Sony don't give you the option of purchasing a PS4 with the faster drive especially since the cost difference is small.Even hybrids have a cost difference between $20 and $30 and I am sure many gamers in the know would make this purchase.The problem with SSD's is they are expensive and usually 3 to 6 times the price of an equivalent hybrid.