Sample Histology Practical Exam

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Take this FREE NBDHE sample practice test below to see how prepared you are for a dental hygienist certification exam.The NBDHE Dental Hygienist exam has 350 questions and has two components - Discipline Based and Dental Hygiene Patient Cases. The first component covers these main exam sections: Scientific Basis for Dental Hygiene Practice; Provision of Clinical Dental Hygiene Services and Principles of Community Health and Research. The second component of patient cases contains at least one each of geriatric, periodontal, pediatric, special needs and medically compromised patient cases.For complete practice, check out the with 750 questions and fully explained answers, including 20 Patient Case Testlets.

  1. Anatomy Histology Practical Exam
  2. Sample Histology Practical Exam 2017
  3. Histology Exam Questions

Histology quiz.1.Histology Practice Quiz for Bio 107 Lab Includes:.Epithelial Tissue.Connective Tissue.Muscle Tissue.Take out a paper and pencil and write your answers to each question.You will be given an answer key at the end of the test. It is important for you to write down eachanswer. This is much more like the actual lab test you will take and allows you to check your spelling.1. Name this tissue2. Name the structure designated by the arrow.3.

The NSH + LabCE Histology Exam Simulator delivers practice tests that follow the content of the ASCP exam, with the appropriate breakdown of questions by subject matter. Questions for the ASCP practice tests are chosen at random, giving you virtually unlimited opportunity to review. Includes Both HT and HTL Level Materials.

Name the structure designated by the arrow4. Name one place in the body where this tissueis found.5. Name this tissue6. Name one major function of this tissue.7.

Sample histology practical exam maricopa community colleges

Name this tissue8. Name the major protein making up the fibersin this tissue.9. Name this tissue10. Name the structure designated by the arrow.11. Name this tissue12. Name the major location of this tissue in thebody.13. Name the structure designated by the arrows14.

Name the major function of this tissue in thebody.15. Name this tissue16.

Name the structure designated by the arrow.17. Name this tissue18. Name the major function of this tissue in thebody.19.

Name this tissue20. Name the structure designated by the arrow.21. Name the structure designated by the arrow22. Name the major protein found in the fibersof this tissue.23. Name this tissue24. Name one place in the body that this tissueis found.25.


Anatomy Histology Practical Exam

Name this tissue26. Name the structure designated by the arrow.27. Name this tissue28. What is the physiological state of the cellsdesignated by the arrow?.29. Name this tissue30.

Name the structure designated by the arrow.31. Name one of the two major proteins in thistissue32. Name the major function of this tissue in thebody.33. Name this tissue34. Name the structure designated by the arrow.35.

Name the structure designated by the pointer36. Name one major location of this tissue in thebody.37. Name this tissue38. Name the structure designated by the arrow.39. Name the structure designated by the arrow40. Name one place in the human body wherethis tissue is found.The EndTo check your answers, see the next slide.Answers each answer is worth 2.5 points1.

Cardiac muscle 21. Intercalated disk 22. Basement membrane 23. Dense regular, dense fibrous or white fibroustissue4. Inner lining of stomach, intestines, uterus, etc. Tendons and ligaments5. Adipose tissue 25.

Smooth muscle6. Energy storage, heat insulation, protection 26. Reticular tissue 27. Stratified squamous epithelium8. Dead or dying9. Skeletal muscle 29. Simple columnar epithelium10.


Goblet cell11. Simple cuboidal epithelium 31.

Sample Histology Practical Exam 2017

Actin or myosin12. Kidney tubules, lining the ducts of many glands 32. Skeletal and body movements13.

Areolar tissue14. Physical support of body, movement, protection 34. Collagen fibers15. Hyaline cartilage 35. Lipid droplet in adipocyte16. Chondrocyte 36.

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Histology Exam Questions

Subcutaneous fat, surrounding visceral organs17. Simple squamous epithelium 37. Diffusion and transport of substances, serous fluid 38. Osteocyte in a lacuna19. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium 39. Ground substance.