Savory Malt O Meal Muffins Recipes
Malt-o Meal Magic Muffins December 2, 2014 by Amanda 6 Comments I’ve stared at this recipe many a mornings, half asleep, absently stirring a pot of malt-o meal.
Muffins make excellent breakfast food—grab one, and you’re good to go. It’s no wonder muffins are regular guests at Starbucks, Panera bread, or any credible breakfast eatery.
It’s not hard to like muffins either, especially if you’ve a sweet tooth and love the comfort of carbohydrates. But wait a minute—isn’t that a combination for weight disaster—refined sugar, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats? I would say, most muffins are guilty—especially the ones sitting pretty and plump in the grocery stores, tempting you under the glowing lights on shelves and looking all decadent with caramel topping.
But that doesn’t have to be the case with all muffins. There are some muffins that are sophisticated and healthy—the ingredients are hailed from natures’ health department and stamped with approval by health authorities. I happen to know of one great muffin recipe that falls in that category—Malt-O Meal banana chocolate-chip muffin. And trust me, it is very easy to bake—I don’t bake anything over the top. After all, I'm quite the reluctant baker.
There are three main ingredients: Malt -O Meal hot wheat cereal, bananas and semi-sweet chocolate chips and each offers health benefits. Malt -O Meal is a hot wheat cereal that provides rich sources of folic acid, calcium, iron and B vitamins. Banana is known for its potassium (regulate blood pressure and prevent bone loss), iron and vitamin B6 and as for the chocolate chipslet’s says that it’s a mood enhancer.When I found this recipe on the box of Malt- O Meal, I thought it sure sounds easy—just throw everything in a big bowl and you’ll have Magic Muffins, as they are called. I did that the very first time and but decided that I would do better. I could possibly add more flavor, more whole grain goodness and sneak some of my favorite chocolate chips without weighing it down with calories. I have to say, I love the new spin. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.
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Healthy Muffin Recipes
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