Call Of Duty Standoff
Page Tools.Standoff is one of fourteen original in Call of Duty Black Ops II. This map is set at a border town in Kyrgyzstan.
Standoff (previously titled Active Shooter) is a first person shooter video game developed by Russian video game developer Anton Makarevskiy and publisher Ata Berdyev, working under the names Revived Games and Acid Publishing Group. It was first scheduled for release on June 6, 2018 through the Steam distribution platform.
Standoff Bo2
Many houses and buildings line the main street that creates a U-shape throughout the town. Many of these buildings are two stories with windows that look out into the main street.Players should use the tanks as cover to pick off players running through the street. Also note that many of the two story buildings have a lot of windows that can be climbed through. These buildings are a popular place for snipers who place Bouncing Betties and Claymores on the staircases.
Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare
Using the windows can be a great way to flank unsuspecting snipers.