Ck2 Family Tree

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Game of Thrones family trees House Baratheon – Robert’s Line House Stark House Targaryen Wars of the Roses family trees House of York Elizabeth Woodville and Edward IV Extended York Family Tree The Woodvilles Links to Game of Thrones family trees on other sites H. Breeding is the idea of marrying someone with genetic traits in order to pass those traits on to offspring and heirs. These traits are given at birth, and at any time only a small percentage of the character population in Crusader Kings II will have them. These traits range from great to terrible, and good genetic traits can be a great boon to.

Ck2 Family Tree

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A dynasty is a set of considered as members of the same family. In Crusader Kings II, the playthrough revolves around the survival and growth of the player's dynasty. Contents.Nobles vs lowborn In general, in CKII belong to a dynasty.

Ck2 Export Family Tree

The dynasty gives the character a coat of arms and a surname.Characters without a dynasty are referred to as lowborn. Technically, Lowborn is itself a 'dynasty,' as seen in marriage negotiations as 'Marrying into House Lowborn'. It lacks any coat of arms or surname, never grants, and does not give rise to modifiers. A lowborn character who receives a feudal or is raised to the nobility, becoming the founder of a new dynasty whose name and coat of arms will be chosen in an aleatory way according to the and the of the character.

For instance, Bedouins and Persians will use often the Name+id syntax for dynasty names, while Greeks will prefer an already existing last name, such as Kekaumenos, Philagotos.Historical dynasties which have not already appeared can also be created in such way if the character meets the cultural requirements. Their coat of arms will be their historical one.