D2nt Not Using Potions
D2nt script for druid elemental. (Will not use mana potions under this%). // This is your D2NT chicken life percent. If you go below this life. First make Splash potions using the recipes above, then add Dragon’s Breath to create a Lingering Potion that can be used to make Tipped Arrows. Potions with no Recipe Certain potions do not have a recipe and can only be found as treasure. Using an attack potion will temporarily raise the player's Attack by 1-8 (1 + 8% of Attack level), rounded down. If the player adds roe to a 2-dose potion then it will become a 2-dose attack mix which heals 300 life points. Using an attack potion will not allow you to use higher level equipment.
After the download, the files need to be extracted ( unzipped). There are 2 files, JS32.dll and D2NT. The JS32.dll file NEEDS to be put in your system32 folder ( my computer - local disk (C:) - windows folder - system32 folder sysWOW64 if using 64bit vista). The D2NT file can be extracted to anywhere on your local disc EXCEPT your Diablo II folder or sub-folders, and should not be placed on your desktop; has given many users many troubles on the desktop.Now that they are in the right place, its time for set-up.
The most popular bot char is the Hammerdin, so we will use him ( if using a sorc, continue to follw this guide until told otherwise). Open your D2NT folder ( all files can be opened with Notepad) and proceed as follows: scripts folder - libs folder - config folder. Since we are using the Hammerdin, we need to modify the paladin config file (sorcs use the sorceress config).
First of all, it needs to be renamed. Default is: NTConfigPaladin.ntl, when renaming it you need to add yourcharname. End result should be NTConfigPaladinyourcharname.ntl. For an Example: NTConfigPaladinYayBotname (underscores are accepted). Now open the file for the config! NTConfigScript.push('NTPindleskin.ntj'); NTConfigNihlathakExtension = true:If you have the wp, all is not lost, you can still do pindle.
The 2nd nilly/pindle line is for those who have the wps, have as follows:NTConfigScript.push('NTNihlathak.ntj'); NTConfigPindleskinExtension = true;For the rest of the bosses, its pretty simple, if you DONT want certain bosses, place // in front of the boss line. If you DO want a boss, make sure the beginning of the line is clear of //. For a few examples:DO want: NTConfigScript.push('NTTravincal.ntj');DONT want: //NTConfigScript.push('NTTravincal.ntj');Also, some bosses have extensions. For example, when doing Eldritch, you can also do Shenk.NTConfigScript.push('NTEldritch.ntj'); NTConfigShenkExtension = false;Note the false at the end of the line, this refers to the extension. If you wish to do the extension, simply change the false and replace it as true.NTConfigScript.push('NTEldritch.ntj'); NTConfigShenkExtension = true;Still following so far?
Most of the delay defaults are great for running with as is. You may want to look through them and see if you agree. However, this is also where you have a few other settings. One that I reccomend you change is reset mercs weapon from NTConfigResetWeapon = false; to NTConfigResetWeapon = true. Next comes the inventory. I believe the default looks somewhat like the following:NTConfigColumns0 = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0;NTConfigColumns1 = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0;NTConfigColumns2 = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0;NTConfigColumns3 = 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0;The zeros (0) represent your torch, tome of tp, and other charms that need to stay in your inventory.
D2nt Not Using Potions Without
The ones (1) represent the free space that you are allowing the bot to use as he mf's for items. You need to change this in accordance to your in game inventory. (The key does not matter where it is or if its set to 1 or 0, this is for the bot if you want to open chests.
D2nt Not Using Potions List
Addressed later on in the guide.). This setup would be set as:NTConfigColumns0 = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0;NTConfigColumns1 = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0;NTConfigColumns2 = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0;NTConfigColumns3 = 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0;After this is set, we move on to the belt and potions. There are two sections for this.
The first tells the bot which potions to use. NTConfigBeltColType0 = 'hp';NTConfigBeltColType1 = 'mp';NTConfigBeltColType2 = 'rv';NTConfigBeltColType3 = 'rv';If you wish to use all rejuvs, simply change the 'hp' and 'mp' so it says 'rv'.The next part tells the bot when to refill the belt at a merchant. However, as you cannot buy rejuvs from the merchants, if you wish t use rejuvs, it should look as follows:NTConfigBeltColMin0 = 0;NTConfigBeltColMin1 = 0;NTConfigBeltColMin2 = 0;NTConfigBeltColMin3 = 0;The next section deals with what pickit lists you want the bot to read, Same as with the bosses, // means the bot wont read that list.The section after, is the cubing config. This section is defaulted to not read it ( NTConfigCubing = false;).
For most of this, I believe it to be a waste of space as it will need to store all the runes/gems waiting to be cubed, but cubing the flawless gems into perfect can come in handy.The next section (gambling) is also set to not read. Simply change the false to true, and enable/disable what you want and dont want.After the gambling is a small one lined config. This is where the 'key' comes in. If you want your bot to open chests, i.e.
Chest in pits, chest behind mephisto, set it as so: NTConfigOpenChest = true;The last section sets the attack and the attack aura. As a Hammerdin, your attack is Blessed Hammer, and your attack aura is Concentration.
The last section, when finished should look something like this:NTConfigPutAura = 113; // What aura do you want to use on attack. Set to 0 if you won'tNTConfigAttackSkill0 = 0; // Cast your first spell once.
Set to 0 if you won'tNTConfigAttackSkill1 = 112; // Cast your primary spell to boss.NTConfigAttackSkill2 = 112; // Cast your primary spell to others.NTConfigAttackSkill4 = 0; // Cast your secondary spell if monster is immune to your primary spell. Set to 0 if you won't. NTConfigPutAura = 0; // What aura do you want to use on attack. Set to 0 if you won't. (Sorc's do not have auras)NTConfigAttackSkill0 = 0; // Cast your first spell once. Set to 0 if you won't.(A good spell here are things like thunderstorm, or energy shield)NTConfigAttackSkill1 = 49; // Cast your primary spell to boss.(Most damage/main skill)NTConfigAttackSkill2 = 53; // Cast your primary spell to others.(2nd skill)NTConfigAttackSkill4 = 0; // Cast your secondary spell if monster is immune to your primary spell.
Set to 0 if you won't.(If you have a multi-tree sorc, this is a good secondary to have).
(SCARY) ORDERING THIRD EYE POTION FROM THE DARK WEB AT 3AM!!.DO NOT OPEN YOUR THIRD EYE AT 3AM!!.Tonight ImJaystation starts opening his third eye using a third eye potion form the dark web. It actually works and lets him open his third eye after ordering it. The third eye lets you see a different world. For more 3am challenges and potions subscribe to ImJaystation.ORDERING MORE POTIONS AT 3AM:.CUTTING OPEN SONIC.EXE AT 3AM:.STROMEDY:.GET THE MERCH:.BUSINESS EMAIL:EthierBusiness@hotmail.com.Follow Me On Social Media:IG: JayStationYT.