Kotor Revan Robes Mod

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Kotor revan robes mod 1KotorKotor

Kotor Revan Robes Mod Download

The /r/kotor Mod Builds - Guaranteed compatible mod compilations, with spoiler-free builds for first-time players included. Deadlystream - The main KOTOR modding site. Helpful Links, including information about running the games in widescreen, modding info, and PCGamingWiki pages for both titles. A KNIGHTS OF THE OLD REPUBLIC II: (THE SITH LORDS) MODIFICATION DESCRIPTION: this mod will add some new iems to the game which you can only get through cheats. You can get a revans robe with a mas or no mask, revans golves, helmet, belt, shield, lightsaber and implant. Everything has high stats. On the robe the immunity death thing. WILL NOT. make to totaly invunrable. To get the items.

Kotor 2 Revan's Robes

This mod adds a disguise that makes you look like Darth Revan. It can be found in a footlocker in the Sith Academy on Korriban (see map in screenshot). There's only one model for male and female. The stats are based on the Revan Robes from KotOR 1. This mod makes use of Hunters Run's Revan's Flowing Robe Mod.Darth Revan's Robes (Cheatcode: giveitem revan)Defense Bonus: 5Max Dexterity Bonus: +8Strength: +4Regeneration: +1Restricted to: Jedi Guardian, Jedi Consular, Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Weapon Master, Jedi Master, Jedi Watchman, Sith Marauder, Sith Lord, Sith AssassinLocation: Sith Academy, Korriban.KNOWN ISSUES.- Unequip this item before equiping a space suit, else you will no longer be able to change your appearance.

Kotor Revan Robes Mod Lightside

Possibly also problematic in combination with other mods that use the disguise approach, like my Yoda mod.- Korriban Sith tomb - Revan visions: shows the player model without a head. Hopefully a small price to pay. You can put on another armor to avoid it.- There's a slight gap at the top of the cape.- Likely some weirdness with force power effects or missing force power effects- It turns out that you can get the item in other locations, I might fix that at some point.THANKS TO.-.Hunters Run for allowing the usage of his Revans Flowing Robe Model- Fred Tetra for KotOR Tool. The isle free download pc.